영문학술지 27호 발간 안내
페이지 정보
작성자 ksceit 댓글 0건 조회 11,473회 작성일 15-02-09 00:00본문
한국기독교교육정보학회의영문 학술지인 Journal of Christian Education and Information Technology의27호가2015년4월 30일에발간 예정입니다. 게재를 원하지는 회원께서는 논문과 투고신청서(아래 첨부)을
아래의 guideline을 참고하여 2015년 2월 28일까지 김성원 편집위원에게 보내주시기 바랍니다.
보내주신논문은 심사위원들의 심사를 거쳐 게재여부가 결정되게 되며, 심사비 60,000원을 다음의 계좌로 납부하여 주시기 바랍니다: 국민은행 479401-04-146259, 이종식(한기정)
논문과 article submission form을보내주실 메일주소는 sungwon1331@nate.com이며, 문의사항은 010-4125-1331(김성원 박사)로 연락주십시오.
1. Style- APA style (6th ed.); Format- Times New Roman,12 포인트, 줄 간격 1.5;
길이- 15 페이지 이내
2. Microsoft Word 프로그램을 사용해주세요.
3. 논문을 제출하시기 전에 원어민의 proofreading을 한 번 거치시길 바랍니다.
4. 논문 제출 시 함께 보내야 자료:
1) 작성한 Article submission form (첨부 파일 다운 가능)
2) Abstract - 150 단어이내
3) Keywords - 5~6개
4) Personal vitae - 1 paragraph로요약된 자신에 대한 영문 소개로 현재 소속 학교, 직위,
출신 학교와 학위, 중요 저술 등을 서술식으로 기록
5. 따라야 할 논문 형식 순서
1)논문 제목
2)저자 명
3)저자 소속학교
8)Personal vitae
자세한사항은 아래의 영문지 투고 가이드라인을 참고하시기 바랍니다.
Guidelines for Contributors
The Journal of Christian Education & Information Technology (JCEIT), English journal of the KSCEIT, is published bi-annually in April 30 and October 31. Submissions of original research in the field of Christian education and information technology are welcome. Contributors should be full-time Christian educators with Ph.D, Ed.D., Th.D., or D.Min degrees or those pursuing these degrees.
The journal uses the APA format of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.), Washington D.C., with parenthetical references and limited use of footnotes or endnotes. The articles should be formatted as follows: Page Size: A-4 or Letter; Line Spacing: 1.5; Font: Times New Roman; and Font Size: 12 point. Only Microsoft Word files will be accepted. A penalty will be charged for manuscripts exceeding 15 pages at a rate of 20,000 won or 20 dollars per page. Manuscript (including abstract, keywords, and references) over 17 pages will not be accepted.
Article Acceptance
Submitted articles will have the author's name concealed and will be reviewed by the editorial committee utilizing a rating system. KSCEIT reserves the right to edit for usage, grammar, and style. If substantive changes are made to the article, the author will be notified before it is published. Authors of articles will be notified by e-mail for publication intention. The editorial committee reserves the right to reject any article or to reserve for later journal publication. Submitted articles are not to be altered or published in other publications until the current journal is released. Rejected articles may be resubmitted one time.
Articles will be the author's original unpublished work unless permission is granted by the editorial committee. Authors are responsible that the material is accurate and verified references are provided. Except for the featured articles, contributors of the article should pay for the publication according to the regulations of KSCEIT. Submitted articles will not be returned. In the event of two or more writers, the first name listed will be the first author.
To Submit an Article
Article submission deadline is February 28 and August 31. To submit an article, send a cover page including: title, author's name, professional position, academic institution, e-mail address, phone number, abstract of less than 150 words and a short personal vitae (1 paragraph), along with completed Article Submission Form. E-mail the manuscripts to Dr. Sung Won Kim (sungwon1331@nate.com) and pay a fee of 60,000 won for reviewing. The bank account number is 479401-04-146259 (Jong Sik Lee, Kookmin Bank).
- Article Submission Foam Final 1.docx (16.1K) 129회 다운로드 | DATE : 2018-05-31 09:36:39
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