Journal of Christian Education & Information Technology Vol.18, 2010.10 > 영문 학술지

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2010 Journal of Christian Education & Information Technology Vol.18, 2010.1…

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작성자ksceit 댓글 0건 조회 3,068회 작성일 20-05-27 11:48



Journal of Christian Education & Information Technology Vol.18, 2010.10

1. Preface to the Eighteenth Issue

2. Recovering the Sacred in the Church’s Education

3. United States Christian Theological Education within Global Realities

4. Teaching Christian Education as Practical Theology in Korean Contexts

5. A Discussion of the Importance of Teaching and the Philosophy of Christian Education

6. The Place of Liturgy in Children Ministry

7. Human Beings, Meaning and Shame : Implications for Pastoral Teachers

8. Protective and Risk Factors in Immigrant Parenting of Adolescent Children

9. University Chapel: Christian Religious Education at Anyang University

10. A New Strategy of Christian Colleges and Universities on Climate Change : Discourse Ethics, the Trinity, and Green Growth

11. A Study on the Development of a Blended Learning Model : Based on Brummelen’s Biblical Model for Learning

12. Contributors etc.



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