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2007 Journal of Christian Education & Information Technology Vol.11, 2007.0…

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작성자ksceit 댓글 0건 조회 2,392회 작성일 20-05-27 11:24



Journal of Christian Education & Information Technology Vol.11, 2007.04

1. Preface to the Eleventh Issue

2. The Role of Christian Education in a Multicultural Society

3. Religious Imagination, Artistry, and Multimedia in a Christian Education Perspective

4. The Critical Importance of Curriculum That Transmits Denominational Core Values

5. Re-envisioning the Trends of Theological Education for Protestant/Evangelical Women’s Preparation to Ministry in Northern Luzon, Philippines

6. The Relationship Between Professors’ Educational Backgrounds and Teaching Style in Christian Colleges and Universities

7. Reflection on Mark 3:13 19 and the Debate on the Purpose of Theological Education

8. Living in Yellow Submarines

9. Doing Theological Education in a Poverty and Oppressed Context

10. The Function of the Teacher as a Model in Christian Education

11. A Comparative Study of Fundamentalist and Reformed Christian Schools in the United States

12. A Study of Church Growth from Biblical and Missiological Perspectives

13. The Circle-Dance of God

14. Contributors

15. Steering Committee etc.



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