Journal of Christian Education & Information Technology Vol.10, 2006.10 > 영문 학술지

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2006 Journal of Christian Education & Information Technology Vol.10, 2006.1…

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작성자ksceit 댓글 0건 조회 2,276회 작성일 20-05-27 11:20



Journal of Christian Education & Information Technology Vol.10, 2006.10

1. Preface to the Tenth Issue

2. Evangelism and the Task of Theological Education

3. Empowering Students for Learning and Ministry

4. A Study on the Problematic Issues of Evangelical Christian Education

5. Self-Identity in Empathy Development

6. Contextualization

7. Reconsidering Korean Women's Shame

8. Self-Esteem of Christian Adolescents

9. Fathering in Christian Education

10. Communicating Between the Cultural Divide in Elderly Care

11. Neurotheology and Christian Education

12. The Understanding of Pragmatism in Christian Education

13. Toward a Pedagogy of Responsibility for the Other

14. Missions Training in Christian Education System of Korea

15. Systemisches Denken und Gemeinde als komplexes System

16. Contributors etc.



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