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2001 Journal of Christian Education & Information Technology Vol.02, 2001.6

페이지 정보

작성자ksceit 댓글 0건 조회 2,794회 작성일 20-05-27 10:43


1. The Role of Practical Theology in Protestant Religious Education Theory
2. Christian Philosophy and Classroom Practice: Is the Gap Widening?
3 .Restraints In Establishing Christian Schools In Korea
4. Pedagogical Clues for Engaging with the Sacred Texts
5. Know Thyself as a Task of Theological Education in the Informalion Age
6. The Virtualization of Theological Education in the Information Age
7. Elementarisierung der Religionsdidaktik-Elementarisierungstheorie als Vorbereitung des Religionsunterrichts im Sinne der konstruktiv-kritischen Religionsdidaktik-
8. Spirituality in Religious Education: Toward a Spiritual Approach
9. Psychometric Analyses of Spiritual Well-Being Scale and Spiritual Maturity Index
10. The Theory of Communicative Action and Christian Education
11. Christian Education for Freedom
12. Contributors



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