Journal of Christian Education & Information Technology Vol.36, 2019.10 > 영문 학술지

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영문 학술지

2019 Journal of Christian Education & Information Technology Vol.36, 2019.1…

페이지 정보

작성자ksceit 댓글 0건 조회 2,826회 작성일 20-04-18 20:28



1. Factors Influencing Life Satisfaction of Korean Christian Adolescents. Hyun Joo Oh

2. The 4th Industrial Revolution and Need for Community. Il-Hee Kim

3. Do Christian Children Experience Child Abuse in Korea?. Eunnie Rhee

4. Christian Childcare Teachers' Perceptions of Child Abuse in Open-Ended Questions. Sungwon Kim

5. Preface to the Thirty Sixth Issue



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