Journal of Christian Education & Information Technology Vol.09, 2006.04 > 영문 학술지

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2006 Journal of Christian Education & Information Technology Vol.09, 2006.0…

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작성자ksceit 댓글 0건 조회 2,363회 작성일 20-05-27 11:16



Journal of Christian Education & Information Technology Vol.09, 2006.04

1. Editorial Notes

2. Educating for Conversion

3. The Task of Christian Education in Japan

4. Christian Education for Unity in Diversity

5. A Proposal for "Right-handed" Christian Education

6. Teaching From the Center

7. Whitehead's Symbolism of God and Its Implication to Religious Education

8. Demographic Factors that Contribute Most Toward Intercultural Competence in Cross-cultural Ministry

9. A Contextual Study of the Twenty First Century Culture and a Search for a Clue to Christian Education

10. A Cross-cultural Comparison of Achievement Motivation among Korean Pastors and American Pastors

11. A Study on the Effects of Factors in the God Image Building

12. Relativité des valeurs chrétienne dans les diverses cultures

13. Development of Religiosity in the Family

14. Contributors etc.



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