Journal of Christian Education & Information Technology Vol.01, 2000.12 > 영문 학술지

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2000 Journal of Christian Education & Information Technology Vol.01, 2000.1…

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작성자ksceit 댓글 0건 조회 2,600회 작성일 20-05-27 10:52


Journal of Christian Education & Information Technology Vol.1, 2000.12

1. Science and Wisdom in Christian Education

2. Solidarity of Others in the Body of Christ-A New Theological Paradigm-

3. Critical and Constructive Tasks in Christian Education

4. A Significance of John Amos Comenius in Modern Education

5. Christian Education for an Alternative Christian Identity

6. Foundations for the Curriculum in the Korean Christian School

7. A Shared Praxis Approach to Feminist Bible Study

8. Alternative Approaches and Programs to Faculty Development in Higher Education

9. A Missiologist

10. The Ethics of Cloning Humans-Replies to Meilaender and Kass-



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