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2010 Journal of Christian Education & Information Technology Vol.17, 2010.0…

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작성자ksceit 댓글 0건 조회 2,735회 작성일 20-05-27 11:45



Journal of Christian Education & Information Technology Vol.17, 2010.04

1. Hermeneutical Understanding and Experience

2. A Case Study of a Nonformal Alternative to “Principles of Teaching”

3. A Study on the Home Environment and Language Acquisition of Children of Multicultural Families in Korea

4. A Critique of Religious Ritual

5. Experience of Grace in Augustine’s Confessions of Sin

6. Multiple Intelligences and Christian Education

7. An Investigation of the Relationship Difficulties in Korean-American Families

8. Contributors etc.

9. Preface to the Seventeenth Issue



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