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2005 Journal of Christian Education & Information Technology Vol.08, 2005.1…

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작성자ksceit 댓글 0건 조회 2,350회 작성일 20-05-27 11:12



Journal of Christian Education & Information Technology Vol.08, 2005.10

1. Editorial Notes

2. What is "The Bible"? And How Are We To Read It Today?

3. Partakers of the Divine Nature: The Problem, Promise and Process of Theosis

4. Ritual Practice as A Process of Knowing: Educational Implications of Ritual Practice in the Process of Congregational Identity Development

5. A New Paradigm for Pedagogical Ministry: Envisioning New Concepts of Educational Ministry

6. Toward a Task of Postcolonial Theology: A Perspective from Mission Studies

7. Continuing Education and Cyber Education

8. Theology, Women and Christian Education

9. A Spiritual Epistemology of Education in Parker J. Palmer

10. Educating in Justice and Reconciliation in the Perspective of Victim

11. Zur Theorie der Religionsdidaktik als die Gesellschaftskritik oder Ideologiekritik

12. Why did Psychologist Carl Jung have concern for Adult Development?: Educational Analysis Based on Erik Erikson

13. Rediscovery of Paulo Freire in Christian Education

14. The Communication Problem Between Korean American Adolescents and Their Parents

15. Christlikeness and Diligence: A Theological Integration for Educational Ministry

16. Contributors



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